We had Blake's Birthday Party on Sunday and it was a Blast! The invitations went out the end of June and the planning began! I really enjoy party planning so I have been able to let my creativity flow with his parties. (I guess it is a little bit of an outlet for me).
That morning we made his favorite: SMOOTHIES!
I decorated my Very First Cake :)
TA-DA! The finished product!

Drink Station! The blue cool-aide had plastic fish-shaped
ice cubes floating in it!

Table scape!


Party Favors!

Blake waiting for his buddies to arrive!

Over the years we have been so fortunate to be able to have parties at our dear friend-
AC's- property! He is so generous with his toys-jet skis, 4wheelers, lake, indoor pool and home!

Oh and he has raised "freshwater sharks" aka huge catfish! Which makes you a little reluctant to get in the water:)

Blake and a few of his buddies!

My sister Elizabeth and her wonderful boyfriend Chance!

My brother Ryan and his beautiful, fun girlfriend Kate!

My Family!

Jessica-my sister's friend-Happy B-Day to her too! (same day as Blake)

beach ball pinata was a little stubborn....but we managed to release the treats!

The Estes Family

The Hooper Family

My friends Heather(L) and Lindsey(R)
:(I did not get a pic of the Boyer Family together,
but Heather has an adorable son Brooks and hubby Bryan)

At first Blake was more interested in his sucker than opening gifts...

But with some
encouragement from his buddies he figured it out!

Blowing out the candle in one try!


Brooks enjoying a cupcake- he is Blake's best bud and calls him "B"

Blake's first ride on the
jet ski!

Heather and I making some waves on the lake!

Bryan and Brooks!

We had a very FUN day! Blake has blessed us with 2 years and we are excited for what is to come this next year of his life! We love you little man!
Happy Birthday Blake! So cute, you are quite the party planner! I love how you put his name in that bucket on the table. I think your future careear may have to be in party planning.
We had such a fun time at Blake's party!! His new pj's look so cute on..we need to take a pic of the boys in them together. Ame, you did a really great job on the cake, inspires me to try my hand at it sometime. I need to get a few copies of pics from Sunday.
Looks like fun! I would give my right arm to do something fun like that and get out of the house for a change. Happy Birthday Blake!
We had so much fun at Blake's birthday party. You continually amaze me with your party planning creativity! You really have a gift. The boys had a great time and loved their favors. When we left, Brantley said he wanted to go to Blake's birthday party again!
You know how I have big plans for your party-planning career, right?? =) Well, the next phase of your career, according to my amazing plans, is a book! I'd love owning a picture book of all your ideas with tips on how to pull it all off. I'm serious, I should probably be your manager when you hit it big with this creative genius you have, since I have all these good plans. But once you have your first appearance on the Martha Stewart Show, you might not want to be my friend anymore. I'm not so sure that real creative people stay friends with wannabe-creative people once they reach that level of stardom. So it's a good thing I'll be your manager, so I still have a way to be around you...and steal your ideas.
That was a CUTE CUTE CUTE party--wow! I'm amazed by the fish cake you decorated--it's perfect!!! So fun!
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